"Opened Dawes" Podcast

"Opened Dawes" Podcast Ep 15: New Year, Forgotten You?

Chris Dawes Episode 15

This is the podcast of  “Opened Dawes” Live, which enables us to open the doors and welcome you in for a relaxed and interactive sharing of information, tips, thoughts, and answering any questions about public speaking and presentation/communication skills you may have. 

So, make sure you set the reminders for the shows on Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube (links below) as they are scheduled online and get involved.  The stream is designed to be interactive, with comments/questions able to be shown and attributed on screen.

This episode delves into the number of us who have gotten out of the habit, or maybe even completely forgotten the skills and rewards of speaking in public as a result of the impacts of the pandemic over nearly 2 years now!  This is a prime example of how a New Year doesn’t always call for a NEW you, but a rebirth of the ‘YOU’ that has been hidden away! 

This show can be watched live (and previous shows recorded) from the following locations:

www.youtube.com/channel/UCnwlPiWylgEDLrwemI8ZZjw (or search YouTube for Open Dawes Training and click subscribe to be notified)


Thanks to:

Good afternoon. Welcome to Opened Dawes. Now I do apologize. It's been a long time since I've said that the gap between Episode 14 and 15 was was a long, long time. I do apologize. I'm a mixture of reasons for it. To be honest with you, I've been so busy got to the end of my media commentary season for the motor racing, then I was hosting awards, dues, all those kinds of things. And I got sort of sidetracked on what and I've also started doing some additional work for another company, where I'm practicing what I teach here as well, which is absolutely brilliant, but keep me incredibly busy as well at the moment. So, apologies has been a delay, I'm determined to make them more frequent now. But it was about time to kick off the new year, Happy New Year to you or hope you've had a wonderful time. My name is Chris Dawes, the founder of Open Dawes Training. And I hope that you have had a wonderful time. Let me just change something, the it's been a little bit more back towards normal, isn't it? Lovely, hopefully you've managed to do it to see family and things like that. And one of the things that I've really been noticing if I put my public speaking train and public speaking delivery hat back on again, Hi, Glenn, thanks for the for the light Welcome to the show, is I've noticed a lot of posts by people that they are absolutely buzzing, they've they've taken an opportunity to, to actually present in front of an audience, whether that is a ring fence presentation, whether they're getting back into the the network, and I see the networking events have gone back to, to face to face and a lot of environments, conferences are starting to come back again. So the opportunity to speak at those or of course, provides training, you know, there's more and more of the face to face training that's coming. And watching the buzz that so many people are getting from at last, getting back and doing it forgetting just how much they love doing it, the buzz from it. And it got me thinking really is that it's been a crazy, nearly two years now isn't it, where we've not really been able to, to stand up in front of an audience to deliver training to deliver a presentation to network with, with strangers or colleagues or whoever it may be. And we're out of practice. And there's a degree of, of apathy in there now as well that's kind of stopping people from from going ahead and and getting back into it again. And yet it is I still say is one of the most powerful ways for you to spread the word of you, your organization, your products, your services, the skills that you can help empower others with if we can get back to that now I'm still providing training for people to deliver these presentations via webcam and I think that will carry on much more than it ever was. But face to face. Thank goodness is back again for more and more of us. If you haven't done any yet. Have a look and see how you could now it kind of got me thinking is that we have that that joyous, New Year's resolution period. We're all there having our New Year's Eve evening with the drink flowing, whether it's with friends or remote quizzes, whatever it might have been for your New Year's and the drink starts flowing and is right I'm gonna I'm going to be a new me this year. This is my year. I'm going to go vegan this year. What bacon sandwich tomorrow morning. I'll start in February, whatever you know, make all these new year's resolutions. The gyms the gyms are always packed, aren't they? I saw a great social post that says I'm going to open a gym, a gym. Sorry, Jen. No, I'm thinking of a gym called resolutions. And basically it's it's open for the whole of January and then it becomes a work in space thereafter. Or a steam room or whatever it might be but the gyms are always full this time of year. Well how about the workout is not about it being a new you. I work with plenty of people where it is about finding that new you and unlocking your potential getting you to be able to share your knowledge, your messages, your skills, whatever it might be. But for a lot of us it's really fun Finding the old us think back to two years ago. So what are we now? 2022. So the 2020 New Year, remember, it's about March that we had that fateful news conference by by Boris telling us, we're into lockdown. So, two years ago, we were still full of verve and vigor. Where were you right then? Where were you anticipating that year to take you and how much of that disappeared, because you no longer were able to be in the same room with people. conversing with them, having meetings face to face to stand up and give presentations. Think back to how exciting it could have been, what could you have achieved what's been stunted, whether it is your own progression, whether it is sales of your products, and your services, anything like that at all. We can't change it. It has gone. But now's the time for us to all grab it again, to get the up, find the opportunities, don't just take the opportunities going find the opportunities to stand up and spread your information, your knowledge, your passions, your experiences, your motivations to other people as well. Go looking for those opportunities and get up now, the problem a lot of us will have is that it's been so long since we've done it, that it becomes incredibly nervous that dreaded jumping out of the plane feeling I don't want to go, I'm going to count to three and you keep getting to 15 and still not done anything. I get it. But the best thing I can advise in our training, we talk about how you get yourself over that initial hump of the nerves, just stopping you doing it. And take that deep breath, smile, look at those people in the eyes. Enjoy that you can look people in the eye again at last. And then a steady pace, deliver your information. And wow, take absolute delight that you're now able to do that. Just think about what you offer. your products, your services, your knowledge, your motivation, the experiences you've had over the last two years. So maybe this is completely new stuff that you can bring to your presentations, that two years ago you might not have had. What impact could you have with that message? Think about that. What help could it give to the people that are they're going to listen to you? What help could it do to your organization? Remember, now's the time to do it. If you are there trying to sell more of your products and your services and get yourself out of this crazy two years that we've had. There still isn't absolute uptake by everybody, to now stand in front of people. So make yourself that person that is now going to do it. Even down to the basics I mentioned about networking events. I don't know if if you've ever done any of these networking breakfasts, there's plenty of these organizations about and many of them went to still continuing through the lockdown, but they went into online only some of them continuing. And there's still a place for it. And I would suggest that you still don't do those as well. But a lot more are taking absolute delight. They're getting back into meeting face to face again at last. But they are saying that they're out of practice, that they've forgotten how to do the two minutes about what my business is what I do what my role is. Don't shy away from it, take the opportunity. Remember, most of what you have is in there, take the opportunity to go or even have a free download if you go to our website that will help you with nerves and how to get started ironically, actually two key ones there the nerves and how to start what you're going to say free downloads you can upgrade to sort of pay versions with video or audio courses. But get yourself going with it. The only way that I mean I've always had this phrase is that you can't be a hero, silent in a closed room. And we've all been forced to be index closed rooms. No one knows what you can bring to the table by default. Just because you maybe even put it on your website doesn't mean people read it. The one time that you're in control of the message, how it's going to be delivered. Therefore, a lot more in control of how it's going to be received is if you are verbally and preferably visual as well, actually sharing that with those people taking those questions speaking with them offline afterwards, it makes it so so much better. So my big message for this one, the future Opened, Dawes Live, they're going to go much more into the realms of trying to sort of like give you little tidbits, little bits of advice. So please, again, if anybody has any questions or areas that they would like us to cover, drop us a line, let us know. And we will look to do a sort of a brief version in the Opened Dawes Live. Equally, this goes out as a podcast as well. And you can go and find on all of your podcast outlets Opened Dawes Live, obviously as da w e. S, if you're listening on it now, hello. I love the fact that we can put the headphones in and go for a wander and still listen to it and read it is still me. But you can't get away with everything just because it's a podcast. But it you know, it's it's a great tool that I'm trying to create here that gives you little tidbits of advice. Same as the online course that we've created, it gives you that ability to not just do face to face training. But you can actually cover through all of our material with video and audio lessons, practical exercises, and get at least an hour's worth of one to one as well thereafter, either here in our head office in Swindon, or via video conference. And in fact, watch this space, because we're going to be launching a boot camp sort of membership boot camp soon as well, where there will be, you know, a lot more interaction ongoing, and, you know, as well as all of the training material, but take the opportunity. Give yourself the ability to share your knowledge, your message, your product, your services, your training, you could be the one that's motivated, there are some amazing people out there that I get to meet. And I always think, well, if they didn't share their information, we wouldn't get the benefit of them. And it's all sorts of areas, you know, whether it's mental health, First Aiders within organizations, some amazing people that I get to meet there. Heather that works specifically with with female entrepreneurs, which is just wonderful to see that as well. Sales Training, Jamie Martin, people like that all sorts that are out there, given all of this training. And it's about making you better now, what have you got either externally or within your organization or her within your organization? Do you think well, actually, they could provide some wonderful value added training for our colleagues within the organization, you may have it already there. If you can get that I trained somebody who, who was going to be training the rest of the team, international team, within their organization. Actually, I've done that a couple of times once was first aid. And the other one was ironically for public speaking that they were going to take their training to the rest of the organization. And it was like, Well, yeah, you could say I'm doing stuff out of opportunities here. But it wasn't about that it was about No, empower them. Get them I'd rather that everybody had the ability, the confidence, the skills to stand up and speak in front of others. And it isn't just a case of going gurjit ate, you know, we work on the structure of what it is that you're going to say, the information you're going to share how you're going to share it, how its structured, leading from one bit to the next, and so on. And so far, so there's so much to it, but make sure you grab it, I want, I want that not to be new here, new you New Year, refine that person that got shut away in lockdown, it really is a great opportunity to do it. The abundance of opportunities is there, but there's not as many people out there doing it. So it really is a great opportunity for you. I'm going to call that out to a halt for this. And if there's any questions, comments, anything like that, please do let us know. And we'll be able to get back to you. Drop us a line. You can see the email address and it'll come up on the closing credits as well open Dawes training.co.uk forward slash Connect will actually give you all of the different ways that you can interact with us. If you miss out there forward slash connect, it will just go to our website, and you'll still find it all there. But grab that opportunity New Year, the previous you that you've been missing for a little while. Enjoy it, and I'll catch up again soon. Watch this space and we'll we'll get some more educational pieces of Opened Dawes Live. It's as much an opportunity for me to get back into the flow of this. I've been out of the flow. And I had to grab this with both hands and I will know I've got used to it again. We'll try and make it as helpful as possible for each of the following episodes. And as I say drop us a line Let us know if there's any particular subjects you want to cover. Hello Toby. Thanks for the like mate. Good. Good to see you're watching. I catch up with you for the next episode. Don't forget also available as a podcast. The videos will be available on YouTube, LinkedIn and the Facebook pages as well to watch back at any point. And as I say, you can interact with comments and questions from a South Chris Dawes Open Dawes Training, go and get spreading that word