"Opened Dawes" Podcast

"Opened Dawes" Podcast Ep 2: Journey from Consciously to Sub-Consciously Competent

Chris Dawes Episode 2

This is the podcast of  “Opened Dawes” Live, which runs weekly as a live video show on YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn at 11 am on Tuesday mornings so that we can throw open the doors and welcome you in for a relaxed sharing of information, tips, thoughts, and answering any questions about public speaking and presentation/communication skills you may have.

So, make sure you set the reminders for the shows on Facebook or YouTube (links below) as they are scheduled online and get involved.  The stream is designed to be interactive, with comments/questions able to be shown and attributed on screen.

This week’s show is about accepting that when you start working on developing yourself you start off being “consciously competent” (know what to do but have to remind yourself) before becoming “sub-consciously competent” (doing it without thinking).  To that end, we will also look around the Open Dawes Training portal and how you get to work through the training, engage in person (not just on video/audio lessons), and return as required to the training material over the 12-month access period to take yourself on this journey from one stage to the next without beating yourself up about it.

This show can be watched live (and previous shows recorded) from the following locations:

www.youtube.com/channel/UCnwlPiWylgEDLrwemI8ZZjw (or search YouTube for Open Dawes Training and click subscribe to be notified)

Thanks to:

Thank you for listening to the Opened Dawes Live podcast. This is actually the audio taken from our weekly live video show that you too can get involved in or watch past episodes back by going to Facebook, YouTube or LinkedIn and searching for Open Dawes Training. That's da w e S. For other ways to connect with us go to Open Dawes training.co.uk forward slash Connect. There you'll find ways to communicate with us free downloads and information about our training programs, whether that is face to face online, or a blend of the two, all designed to help people grow in confidence, willingness and skills to communicate in public. Whether that is giving presentations or speeches, providing training, having great presence or communication skills in meetings, or just having those difficult conversations effectively. public speaking is a soft skill that gives your core skills of voice and can open doors that you may not even know exist yet. But for now, let's dive into this episode of Opened Dawes Live. Good morning. Welcome to Episode Two of Opened Dawes Live. It's been a very busy weekend, but not quite as bad as last week where I had the Saturday, Sunday Monday on the mic. So just Saturday, Sunday, this time, and it was a lock and reload yesterday. Hope you're all well, this week we're going for something that I've kind of learned myself over the years is that we need to go on a journey. People think that they can sit in a course learn the information, and boom, they're going to be straight off. And then they might get frustrated when a chunk of it might not actually be sticking. And I've been in that situation, you kind of go Well, come on, I've learned it. Well, let's jump back to when we learn to drive. Apologies for anybody who hasn't done that. But I will use another alternative to that as well in a bit. But we have to remind ourselves, you ever been stuck behind a learner driver and you feel frustrated? But you have to remind yourself that you were there as well. You might think no, surely I wasn't that slow. We all were because you get in and suddenly, wow, there's a lot to remember, there's a lot to do. And you go through those learning the lessons to try to work out. First of all, what do I not even know. So step one, is that we are subconsciously incompetent. So we're obviously incompetent, because we're still learning, we don't actually know what it is that we've got to do. And the lessons start making us realize, oh, okay, well, that's what we've got to do. That's what we've got to do. That's what you're not very good at. So you've got to get better at. And what then happens is we become consciously incompetent. So consciously incompetent. Now, we know everything we're supposed to be doing. But we also know, that's what we're not very good at. And that's what the lessons become is that you then work on those you work on those until you become consciously competent. And by that I mean, you are now getting good enough your instructor to think, Okay, I'm going to put you forward for your test. But if you think about that, at that moment, we are still deliberately going, Okay, right. At this point, I've got to do Mirror, signal, maneuver, etc. And we have to think everything through so we become consciously competent. And we go and do our test. And the theory is that we know it well enough to be able to pass our test, and then we get our driving license. Well, after you've passed your test, and I think these days they put the green pea on don't need to say that recently passed. Well, that means that we're giving them space and allowance and understanding that they are now going from being consciously competent to subconsciously for those of us that have driven for for many years or whatever. Mine's more than I'd like to remember if I'm honest. But we don't have to think about it anymore. Think about you driving now, if you do, you don't think about it at all, do you just get in, turn it on, do the things automatically boom, off you go. And and you just do it all naturally. But we had to go through that journey? Well, it's exactly the same, it doesn't matter. I might be here talking about public speaking presentation skills, communication skills. But you have to give yourself that space, give yourself the allowance to develop, do the courses, do the training, and then apply it a bit at a time you are now in that consciously competent have your notes with you have whatever you need to remind you have that period before you do it to remind yourself to think it through to reevaluate afterwards and let yourself go through this consciously competent phase. The more you are then doing that, the sooner you will become subconsciously competent. Now many people turn to me and say, well, surely the most important thing with public speaking is that I just need to do more of it. not strictly true. Because what you then become, is subconsciously incompetent again, potentially as in you might be doing some of those things wrong. You might not be being natural, you might not be the best version of you. This is why the training and the coaching and the mentoring, even if if appropriate, is absolutely priceless. Because you go through that you drain in like a sponge you absolutely soak it in and then you apply what you have learned. Then you go and reevaluate it if you're ever able to get someone to record you, even if it's just orderly audio, audibly. That's the word I think I'm looking for. I don't know that you can at least listen back to it even if not watch back to back it back. I'll go and put Retief back in. I said it's for a coffee with me Didn't I must have a coffee. Yes, even if it's audibly listened back and work out, right, okay, what what did I forget? What did I not do? This is a key thing of why we have created the Open, Dawes Training, communication skills that remove limits, online program. Now I call it an online program. The reality is, of course, it's a hybrid. It's all the material is there for you to work through with the handouts and the practical exercises, as well as the video lessons and the audio lessons. But the beauty is, is that you actually get access for a full 12 months. So the advice is that what you do is that, go through it and learn it. And then we have after the 30 minute review and recommendation session, including looking at your before and after videos, mentoring sessions are available to be added on or if you've got the pro version, you get mentoring sessions as well. But even ignoring all of that side is that now go back to those modules. And I'm going to show you in a second how easy that is to go. Okay, which part of I still not quite got, Which part do I need to work on some more, or you go and do a presentation, and you go, Nope, still not quite remembering that naturally or need to go back, go back to those modules, watch it through, do any practical exercises associated with that. And then you are improving time on time on those little bits. And it's so so important. I've used also the analogy of golf, you know, we don't work on all at the same time, right, your drive off the tee, you're chipping onto the green, you're putting your short game, your long game, your rough game, your bunker game, you don't do it all at the same time. What will probably happen as you go and play around and go, I did not get out of that bunker in one shot, I need to work on that. And say you go back and you do it cooking. How many times if you're gonna do a new dish, a new meal, and you kind of you've got the men, you've got the book out there, sorry, the recipe book and you're following the instructions to the letter, your way and everything out really tightly, you're following each thing with the timings. And then you go and do it again, and you possibly add your own little, you know, twang to it, you're a bit more relaxed about the measuring things out, and everything slots into place a bit better, then you do that one again. And it's even more, then all of a sudden, I'm not even using the book, you've now become subconsciously competent at making that dish. However, the beauty is if you ever do in it, and you kind of go, oh, heck, what was it had to do now, I'm just going to get that book back out again, open it up, it's there for guidance. And that is the beauty of this. But it's not just about what we have created for you here to take you on that journey is that I'm very passionate about everybody giving themselves that, that space to breathe that space to grow. Our worst critics are always ourselves, you know, we will always beat ourselves up about it more and more. And it is very, very important to push that away. Anybody that's watching now, if you're watching on either YouTube or Facebook, or if you're going to watch it back, put hashtag replay, you're gonna put something but please put the comments in because I can see people put comments in and if it's comments or questions or examples where you you can kind of see this, you know, please do put those on there. And it's great to get your involvement. However, what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to quickly bring to light. And I know a lot of people wanted to see this because this is new, let me share screen. And I'm going to do that at this stage. Right, up it comes. So this is a Don't forget, you can put this up to full screen so you can see it clearer. In fact, I will put you don't need to see my ugly mug all the time. So let's put the actual web page. So this is via, in my example, it happens to be Chrome web browser on my PC, but any web browser at all. And this is the page in question. And you'll notice if I scroll all the way down each module is there in terms of obviously the nerves tends to be quite a popular one, preparation and protection from the unexpected script and content, communication skills where we go into detail about physical, verbal and general communication skills, starting with impacting control, audience interaction and questions finishing with impact and actions. an intro to the greater presence of communication skills in meetings because that's one that can be a standalone with certain organizations as well. And then a conclusion and you'll notice that we've got all of the practicals and you can click on any module any video or audio lesson at any point So you don't forget, it will show you how far into each of those videos you are as well. If I click OK, I really want to do preparation as an example. So I click on that, and it brings up for me this particular page, which then shows me all the different parts that are available for the, for that particular module. And so I can click on to the next video, I can go on to the next category. And it will even Then show me the different ones that the video is here. But he's got a protection thing that because we're sharing, sharing the screen, etc. It just protects it for me. So it doesn't show everything. But if you've been seeing any of the the social media posts, you'll have seen that there's little clips of it have gone out, but it will tell you each video that's in it. If you rewatch a video and it suddenly shows that you're like a partway through, you can take that as complete. downloads are available here that's either instructions, keepsakes to sort of keep with you to remind you to refer back to or somewhere to just keep all your notes together about the areas that we cover. And you've even got the ability to pop in any questions or comments on the on each video. And we get alerts to that and we're able to go through it. Okay, so that is the whole thing, I can jump back to the whole part. And and you'll see here it is the and it'll tell me how many lessons so of 27 lessons not completed, I need to work harder, don't I need to get through these. When you get to the end of it, you will then be sent automatically the details and it will be at the end of the the on the instructions. And it will then take you I need to change which which screen I'm going to share with you. We go to a different it will then take you to this page with obviously a welcome message from me and details because what we now do is that we need you to book your review and recommendation session. And you're just select the day you want, select the time will come this message where you put in your details, but it also then forces you to upload your before video, which is practical one and your after video, which is practical eight, that then automatically as well as booking in that session with me will provide me with those videos so that we're able to look at it. Because what I want to do is we're able to pick up and it will be a huge difference, I'm telling you now it's a guarantee, there will be a big difference between your video one and video two, you hopefully will see that yourself. But what I really want to do is emphasize the key things that you have improved on, to take that confidence forward to take you from that consciously competent to subconsciously competent, that you know you are now doing that. Incidentally, by the way, we will also even analyze the before video to see some of the things that you are doing absolutely bang on to make sure you know that they are good and that you need to keep doing them. Because there are some elements you will already be doing subconsciously competent. And so I want to make sure that you are aware of those aspects so that you're able to do it. So that will come through we'll look at that. And we then have a 30 minute video conference session to go through those in details. take you forward give you a plan. If there's some areas that we say, right? You You started doing that in your second video that is brilliant. Work on that make that become natural, make it stick. We're taking it from being a one time course, to being a true development for you so that you can open up and you can we talked about the why in the first Opened Dawes Live. And hopefully you've bought into that and this will enable you to take it forward. This is what will you will be going forward. Let's think of those driving lessons. Right, we need to keep repeating this, keep repeating this, these are important. That's what you've got to keep doing. And you will be able to go forward, you then we will record that video session that we do together unless you say specifically you don't want it recorded. And you will have that to be able to go back to so that each time you've done a presentation you've done, you've run your own training course you've you've done an online video session you've you've spoke up in a meeting whatever example it might be, you can go back to it and go Yep, I've got to remember that I can see what I've done. Now I did do it but I forgot doing it partway through whatever it might be. So you are able to you know, really take it through for you know and develop it and make it become absolutely set. nature to you. All right, so that that is the journey that we want to take you on. We've also I'm going to quickly put, by the way, if there's anybody that's unsure, and they would like to have a conversation, I'm going to pop that in here. So in the comments for all of you, wherever you happen to be watching, you will now see a link, where you can jump on and you can book a, you know, up to 30 minutes, I say that it's not normally needed to be as long as that but have a conversation about where you're at at the moment, or your organization, or your teams within your organization, where you're currently at what you're trying to do in the future. And how we can work with you or your organization of getting people to, to not just learn what could make the improvements but to make it a development taking you from that consciously competent to subconsciously competent. It's a great journey, and jump on. And we can have a discussion because there might be unique elements, there might be some questions that you may have. And we can do all of that. So jump onto that book, it will have the conversation. Incidentally, that was one other thing I just quickly wanted to show you. So that you're aware is that this can also or what I did a reboot in nine. So I need to I know is open. He says hoping that we're going to be able to share this one. Here we go. It's also not just online, but it's via a mobile app as well, is the kajabi app so that no matter where you are, is that you would come in and you'd have your library. Now obviously, we've got the full course here. And we've also got, you can just get to start with the eight high impact ways to start or the 15 ways to tackle nerves, the 15 sources of nerves and how to overcome them. And this is within the app. As you can see, it was on my phone that I took this last night I think it was. And again, we've got the modules, and you'd expand each one and it will show you the videos in each one. So all 10 modules will show down here, you expand one and it'll show you each of the video or audio lessons or instructions for the next practical. If you've just press Start your train, and you can just resume from where you were last. And it will show you the video in question. The downloads would appear here for you to either just preview or download whatever you want. And again, the ability to add comments or questions within that. So press the play in the video replay here, these are just still images as I'm sure you can appreciate. And that is deliberately at that angle, because it shows that as well as playing it within the player like this way you've still got everything else is that I can then obviously expand that. And it will enable me to go to full screen and you'd pivot your phone or your tablet or whatever it might be. And you can even press play. Lock your screen, put your headphones in and go off for a wander as well. So you know, you can just be listening to the audio. And it especially works. The reason why I'm making sure that you're aware of that is that you may go through watching everything and doing it properly. But you then want to go and take a wander, take the dog for a walk, whatever it might be, throw the headphones in and just listen to that nerve section that ways to start section that you know, content rather than script, whatever it is, is that you want to remind yourself that headphones in I don't need to watch it. I'm not taking notes. I'm just again listening to it reminding myself, this program is very much designed to take you on that journey. So it all becomes second nature. But first and foremost, you've got to give you the yourself the space to grow. Don't beat yourself up. Right It really is a journey that you need to go on. So that was Opened Dawes Live this week, you can always watch them back again, if you've only been able to watch a little bit, let me know by the way, if you've managed to dip in or you catch this afterwards, and there's a better time for this. I've gone for coffee time on Tuesdays every Tuesday it's going to be there. But if you feel that there's a better time, I'll be nominal and iring with the lunchtime idea. Let me know because it'll be great to have have more and more of you joining in of course, numbers are low at the minute because we've just started is only Episode Two but thankfully people do watch it afterwards. And you know more and more we're going to be looking at more tips and this tips are going to become specific. As we go through episode three next Tuesday. I'm pretty certain that I'm able to do it next Tuesday is one of my key things that probably made the biggest difference for me when I went on this journey myself is rethink of everything and I don't care whether it's a presentation Whether it's a speech, whether it's participation in a meeting, whether it's providing training, it's a conversation, not a presentation. It's a real switch in your mind to go through. And it makes a difference for your nerves. It makes a difference for your delivery. And it will make a difference to your the way that your audience received that information as well. I mean, hopefully you can feel it. Now, I'm not just stood here presenting all of the information we go in, and it is very much a conversation. So that's next week's is, it is a conversation, not a presentation. So relax into it. Any questions? In the meantime, don't hesitate, give me a shout, look in the comments and follow the link. If you want to book a free consultation to have a discussion about your requirements or potential requirements. If you're not sure, just drop me a line, we'll jump on a zoom call. And we can get a better understanding. It will be directly with myself, get an understanding of what where you're at now, what you want to do going forward and make sure that you're happy that it is going to be the right thing. Because we still do all the face to face training. I say we still do, it's coming back. Because obviously we had to start with over lockdowns, but it is now back there available either one to ones or manageable sized groups. We do live via zoom training for those that need to do it from afar. And that includes with all of our international clients as well, we do that. But of course, this whole online portal, this program is designed to be a hybrid of the two, the training material to take you on the journey with the downloads with practical exercises 12 months access to make it second nature. And then of course the video conferencing afterwards. available during it if you feel a need that there you need some support. Equally, when you become a member, you get access to the private Facebook group, the Academy, where there will be at least monthly group calls and webinars and things like that on in those where we'll go into even more detail. But as you can understand that's for the members. So we take it to a whole nother level. If you become a member, you get to see it and we get the group calls where we bounce off each other and people will be able to add their experience and that helps even more because you're not just taking our material, your experience. You can take other people's experiences as well. And you will be able to take yourself to that make it natural journey. Subconsciously competent, that should go overtime. Okay, thank you so much for joining us. My name is Ben Chris Dawes from Open Dawes Training. And I look forward to seeing you next week. Thank you Thank you for listening to Opened Dawes Live. I hope you enjoyed it and it was useful. Remember, go to Open Dawes training.co.uk forward slash Connect, to find out more about how you can interact with us and how we can help you